I know it's been a couple of days since I posted, and I wish I could say it was because we have been so busy, but the truth is we have been having trouble tearing ourselves away from the deck and the water. And as I mentioned, the sun is too bright out there to work on the computer.
Ada managed to get an earlier flight and arrived about 10:50 in the morning Saturday. The airport is only half an hour away so we encouraged her to do so. It was then that we realized the strange system at the Wellington Airport. Domestic flights arrive in the morning and international ones in the afternoon, and apparently never the twain shall meet. This makes for very long layovers for some people.
You have to drive through basically the center of town to get to the airport from where we are staying. You go through two tunnels, the second one, the Victoria Mountain tunnel, is very strange. Everybody honks at you as you go through. There doesn't seem to be any rhyme or reason to it--just honking.
When we got back to the house after picking Ada up, we went immediately up to the deck--where else? I had put some sun tan lotion on earlier but I still go a burn in the maybe 45 minutes I was up there. The sun here is so hot and has so much UV quality that a very small exposure results in a burn. We have been trying to keep that in mind, but sometimes you get so caught up in the view and the conversation that you disregard it.
Anyway, a few hours later we picked Noreen up from her flight, went back through the honking tunnel and right back up to the deck.
We had an early night that included some really good, really cheap steak from the local supermarket and of course, some of that delicious corn from the garden. By 8, the recent arrivals were in bed and Meredith and I were thinking about it.
Soon, our trip to wine country and questions about Wellington night life.
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